Python versus C Language

In this tutorial, we will understand the major differences from python to C language both programmatically as well as easiness of the language.

Python versus C

The following are the major differences from the python to C Language

C language Python Language
C is procedure-oriented programming language.It does not contain the features like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, etc. Python is object-oriented oriented language. It contains features like classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.
Pointers concept is available in C. Python does not use pointers.
C has do… while, while and for loops. Python has while and for loops.
C has switch statement. Python does not have switch statement.
The variable in for loop does not increment automatically. The variable in the for loop increments automatically.
C programs execute faster. Python programs are slower compared to C. PyPy flavor or Python programs run a bit faster but still slower than C.
It is compulsory to declare the datatypes of variables, arrays etc. in C. Type declaration is not required in Python.
C language type discipline is static and weak. Python type discipline is dynamic and strong.
C does not have exception handling facility and hence C programs are weak. Python handles exceptions and hence Python programs are robust.
The programmer should allocate and deallocate memory using malloc(), calloc(), realloc() or free() functions. Memory allocation and deallocation is done automatically by PVM.
C does not contain a garbage collector. Automatic garbage collector is available in Python.
C supports single and multi-dimensional arrays. Python supports only single dimensional arrays. To work with multi-dimensional arrays, we should use third party applications like numpy.
The array index should be positive integer. Array index can be positive or negative integer number. Negative index represents locations from the end of the array.
Checking the location outside the allocation of an array is not supported in C. Python performs checking outside an array for all iterations while looping.
C supports in-line assignments. Python does not support in-line assignments.
A semicolon is used to terminate the statements in C and comma is used to separate expressions. New line indicates end of the statements and semicolon is used as an expression separator.
Indentation of statements is not necessary in C. Indentation is required to represent a block of statements.