Python Operator Overloading

We know that an operator is a symbol that performs some action. For example, '+' is an operator that performs addition operation when used on numbers. When an operator can perform different actions, it is said to exhibit polymorphism.

Operator Overloading Examples

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#Using + operator on objects 
class BookX: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
class BookY:
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
b1 = BookX(100) 
b2 = BookY(150) 
print('Total pages=', b1+b2)

Operator Overloading with same class objects

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#Using + operator on objects 
class BookX: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
class BookY:
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
b1 = BookX(100) 
b2 = BookY(150) 
print('Total pages=', b1+b2)

We can overload the '+' operator to act upon the two objects and perform addition operation on the contents of the objects. That means we are giving additional task to the '+' operator.

Operator Overloading with different class objects

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#overloading + operator to act on objects 
class BookX: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
   def __add__(self, other): 
      return self.pages+other.pages 
class BookY: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
b1 = BookX(100) 
b2 = BookY(150) 
print('Total pages=', b1+b2)

Following Table summarizes important operators and their corresponding internal methods that can be overridden to act on objects. These methods are called magic methods.

Operator Magic method
+ object._add_(self,other)
- object._sub_(self,other)
* object._mul_(self,other)
$S object._div_(self,other)
$S$S object._floordiv_(self,other)
-- object._mod_(self,other)
** object._pow_(self,other[,modulo])
+= object._iadd_(self,other)
-= object._isub_(self,other)
*=() object._imul_(self,other)
$S= object._idiv_(self,other)
$S$S= object._ifloordiv_(self,other)
!-- object._imod_(self,other[,modulo])
**= object._ipow_(self,other)
< object._lt_(self,other)
<= object._le_(self,other)
> object._gt_(self,other)
>= object._ge_(self,other)
== object._eq_(self,other)
!= object._ne_(self,other)

If we want to overload the greater than (>) operator. For this purpose the magic method __gt__() should be overridden. For example,

def __gt__(self, other):

return self.pages>other.pages

greater than(>) operator overload

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#overloading > operator 
class Ramayan: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
   def __gt__(self, other): 
      return self.pages>other.pages 
class Mahabharat: 
   def __init__(self, pages): 
      self.pages = pages 
b1 = Ramayan(1000) 
b2 = Mahabharat(1500) 
   print('Ramayan has more pages') 
   print('Mahabharat has more pages')

Multiplication(*) operator overload

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#overloading the * operator 
class Employee: 
   def __init__(self, name, salary): = name 
      self.salary = salary 
   def __mul__(self, other): 
      return self.salary*other.days 
class Attendance: 
   def __init__(self, name, days): = name 
      self.days = days 
x1 = Employee('Srinu', 500.00) 
x2 = Attendance('Srinu', 25) 
print('This month salary=', x1*x2)